Board Meeting Minutes from April 7, 2014

Tuscany Homeowners Meeting Minutes

April 7, 2014

7:00 Call to order Byron, 2nd Lori Jones

Attendance: (See sign in sheet)

  1. Nominations
    1. President  Sandra Wilt
    2. Secretary  Mike Pastor
    3. Commons  Donna Horsley
    4. ARB  Robert Walker
    5. Treasurer  Lori Jones

Voted on and approved unanimously


  1. Outstanding for next year's board
    1. Revisions to Covenants
    2. Estimates on wall repair/replacement
    3. Fine Schedule creation
    4. New Lawyer
    5. Security camera for neighborhood

Next HOA Board Meeting:

April 21, 2014

Sandra Wilt, 1630 Victoria Way

Adjourned 20:07 Byron, 2nd Lori